No matter how angry you get at those dumb girls in your fashion class that are only there because they are fans of the hills, or struggle to do the perfect "LC corn-roll" at the front of your hair. I have watched the hills since the day it came out and was always a Huge fan. It became a part of my teenage years. Every Monday night at 10 I would religiously tune in to see which rich white girl was fucking who and who was talking shit about the other. I mean did the hills have a purpose... No! But when it first began it did, it was about a girl growing up and trying to make it in "the city".. now well it's all about the drama, but I respect Lauren and what she's about. Now do I enjoy seeing Justin Bobby fucking with Kristen... NOOO! But will my ass be watching... Hells Yes! .. And I'm not going to lie.. the trailer does look really good. #sidenote I hope Speidi don't break up.