For the past couple of months I've had an addiction. I have to change my nail polish Every week.. and it is never the same color twice! I don't know how girls can walk around with chipped nail polish, it just looks so bad. My favorite nail polish lines are OPI and Essie! Sometimes I feel bad when I shop for clothes and spend a lot of money so I make Nail Polish my little splurge! .. So I still get that rush lol. :D
Congrats to the Beautiful Zoey for winning, MBO 2010!
A few fridays ago I worked backstage at the pageant. And was inspired by history being made right infront of my eyes. I mean now it maybe just a local thing, but who knows maybe years from now it will be televised and be as big of a phenomenon as Miss America or Miss Universe. I am very proud of Patrick and the VERY hard working team behind him they did an Amazing job.
One of the movies that made me who I am today. Brittany Murphy's character in this movie reminded me of a lot of people, and I knew from Clueless Murphy was an Amazing actress. When I think about it, she had the biggest career out of the cast after the movie.
I've watched Many of her movies... growing up in the 90's and even now. Watching Girl Interrupted or Don't say a word. She always played such fucked up characters and it was always so interesting to watch her. And when she got more famous when dating Ashton Kutcher and being in Just Married. I always thought she deserved the spot light because she really was and still is very talented. Was she a bad girl, did everyone see it coming? Who knows.. all I know is she should be remembered with dignity. Despite what the media may do (example Michael Jackson) it doesn't matter, she was not a role model she was an actress, and she Definitely played her part!
Rihanna looks Amazing in this video. To tell you the truth i don't mind this song... It's actually kinda catchy. The only thing that irritates me about the song and all of the rest of her new songs on the album is her VOICE ! It's Terrible, on all of her new songs her voice sounds sooo much worse then before. I guess her record lable figured since she is so popular she no longer needs to pretend shes talented. Rihanna no longer sings well or dances, but the new edgy bad ass "swag" seems not to be working. Her album Rated R debuted at #4 on the charts and with a team like hers working behind her, that kinda sucks!