The MJ tribute almost brought me to tears.. not to mention the Madonna speach, but I loved how all the dancers came together and showed how MJ inspired all of them. Not to mention how Janet had all of the Hottest Choreographers behind her as she did her thing. Loved it!

Beyonce did her thing as well.. I really wish he would have done Diva(cause that is my anthem) instead of carrying out Single ladies but it was still a good performance. And it was really nice of her to bring Taylor Swift out on stage.

Lets be real! Taylor Swift can't sing and is not very talented, but she is a Disney fad. She is innocent, young and pretty(not to mention white and country) so all the little kids like her.. In 10 years will she mean as much as Beyonce or Lady Gaga.. HELLS NO. But none the less is was not very nice of Kanye West to crush her dream. I mean she is young.. it was like when Ice T when at Soulja boy, how can you tell a kid he destroyed hip hop.. that's not nice. And I DEFINITELY don't think single ladies is the best video of the Decade.. Oh Hells no! And I do agree with Kanye I just think he should have approached it in a different way.. I mean Geez that's what blogs are for! DUH!

LAWD.. I'll Get to the Fashion Good And Bads tomorrow!

THIS WAS ONE OF THE BEST VMA PERFORMANCES I HAVE SEEN IN A LONG TIME! .. Ok so its obvious the VMAs need a pop female act to carry their show.. for the past few years it has been Britney but I love Britney don't get me wrong but I think she can chill out now cause I think MTV have found there new pop princess. Hot Body, Hot Dance Moves And shocking. That is all you need and she has it :D.. Ah I'm so excited to see her grow into the next Madonna.. I Love it!
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